This brilliant review of Eric Cantor was reposted from Plutocrap
People get devastated, losing everything in the floods caused by a hurricane. Presumably, as human beings, we automatically want to figure out what we can do to help, and the hell with the details.
That’s true for us, because we are human beings, as I said. In the case of Rushpubliscum token Eric Cantor, however, every devastation is a new chance to shove his ideological agenda down our throats. As I’m sure you remember, when one of his constituents pleaded with him to do something about the soaring costs of healthcare as a family member of hers was a cancer sufferer and could not afford treatment, Eric suggested to her that she go begging in the streets for treatment money. Earlier this year, this pissant of a punk basically told the victims of tornado-ravaged Joplin, Missouri, to go fuck themselves unless his demands for the Federal budget were met. And just last week, true to form, Eric again said that either he gets his way, or the victims get the shaft, in the aftermath of Hurricane Irene. And some of those victims happen to be people from the punk’s own Congressional district.
This time, it appears the punk has gone too far. Too far for even some of his fellow Klanbagging Klanservatives. They’ve come out against Eric’s hostage taking.
There is, in addition to a severe lack of intelligence to Eric Cantor, a complete lack of empathy. A total absence of morality. How could anyone continue to send this piece of shit back to Washington as his or her “representative?”
Vulnerable House Republicans in New York and New Jersey are pushing back against a pledge by party leaders to counter disaster aid with spending cuts.
The early vow by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) put Republicans from states affected by Hurricane Irene and other recent disasters in a tight spot, caught between adhering to the party’s dictums on deficit reduction and providing for constituents at a time of heightened need.
Rep. Jon Runyan (R-N.J.), who won by fewer than 6,000 votes in 2010, issued a statement saying that a national emergency is the wrong time to wage a budget debate.
“While I respect Majority Leader Cantor and share his commitment to spending discipline, my focus right now is making sure hard-hit areas in New Jersey receive the necessary federal resources they need in order to recover,” the freshman lawmaker said.
And on Wednesday, Cantor vowed there would be “no holdup” in approving federal disaster aid for localities ravaged by an earthquake and torrential storms.
“Unequivocally, I am for making sure people get their money and not have to wait,” he told reporters in a Capitol briefing. “I have never, never said that I am holding anything hostage or would be for playing politics with this.”
The issue hits close to home for Cantor, whose district lies in a state that requested — and received — federal assistance for Irene.
In New York, Rep. Michael Grimm (R), a freshman who won his seat last year by less than three percentage points, said aid should be given without regard to offsets. Grimm represents flood-ridden Staten Island and told The New York Times that you can’t put a number on keeping citizens safe.
New York Republican Reps. Richard Hanna, Nan Hayworth, Ann Marie Buerkle and Chris Gibson have also distanced themselves from Cantor’s remarks. And Rep. Leonard Lance (R-N.J.) told The Hill that the cleanup from Hurricane Irene shouldn’t be held hostage to Washington politics.
Besides running in Democrat-leaning New York and New Jersey, these lawmakers could also be running in altered districts as New York is losing two congressional seats and New Jersey is losing one in the redistricting process.
“There’s still some Republican moderates who don’t have the constraints Cantor does,” said David Wasserman, House editor of The Cook Political Report. “Not only as a leader in the GOP conference, but the de facto leader of the conservative strain of Republicans in the House.”
That any organization would put Eric Cantor into its leadership screams volumes. I would not want to belong to, and sure as hell would not vote for, any group that elevates this Goddamned piece of fecal sludge to a position where he has any kind of a say in policy.
And if you DO vote for members of such an organization, I am flat-out calling you a moron. Take it any way you choose to take it.
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